South Jersey Elevator recently completed a commercial elevator modernization in Absecon, New Jersey at a high volume commercial building. Our customer was tired of constantly paying to repair their old equipment and continued outages and down-time were no longer palatable to tenants and guests.
This customer had obsolete machinery and was running into constant problems with their elevator operation, the overall condition of the elevator is still functional but updating the machinery equipment allows it to perform significantly better. They are a high volume building and need an elevator running in top shape, so they came to the conclusion of updating all of the machinery. With the Modernization being completed, they will have a up to date elevator that has all of the latest equipment. It will allow the elevator to run more efficiently in a high volume building.
Reasons to go with a commercial elevator modernization:
- Saves money in the long run due to significantly less service calls
- A elevator running more efficiently uses less energy
- Brings the old obsolete equipment up to current date, meeting requirements of today